Jun 4, 2007

Boat ride through the canals

First activity for the day... a boat ride! It would offer a different perspective of the city... Amsterdam is known for it's many canals, and is called "Venice of the North". There are literally thousands of bridges throughout the city. The canals are quite narrow in places, and some bridges are so low I feel like ducking each time we pass them. The bridge underpass pun some are quite kecik... kena take turns dengan other boats. Really nice lah... I like :) A must do for all yang visit Amsterdam!

We chose this company bcoz they have the earliest cruise

Taking care of the boat

Very excited :)

Basikal ada di mana-mana...

Selisih dengan another boat

Dutch canal houses

Macam-macam shape

Boat house pun banyak...

Interesting looking bridge... boleh angkat to allow a taller ship to pass through

Since the staircase are narrow and steep, they bring in furniture and other large items through the window

I just can't enough of them facades :)

Macam-macam shape ada

The more modern looking ones

They're tall and narrow. Patutlah orang2 sini slim belaka... hari2 naik turun tangga

Bicycle with baby stroller

Macam gambar cover my DK Witness guidebook

No traffic jams here ;)

Modern bridge... not everything here is antique, hehe

Di muara canal...

A big cruise cum hotel boat... or I should say, ship!

Floating chinese restaurant... like the one in Hong Kong

That's the Amsterdam Station Centraal

Floating bicycle shed

A family enjoying the day

The big green structure is called NEMO

The old and the modern

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